National Node of the BCH

Photo Gallery - Cocoa

Cocoa research was initiated at St. Augustine, Trinidad in 1930 and was financed jointly by the governments of Ceylon, Gold Coast, Grenada, Nigeria and Trinidad and also by chocolate manufacturers, Cadbury Bros. Ltd., J.S. Fry and Sons Ltd., and Rowntree and Co. During the ensuing decade, "Trinidad and Tobago was the most lavish patron of cocoa research and led the world in its scientific contribution to basic knowledge of the cocoa tree."

Today the Cocoa Research Unit, under the Faculty of Science and Agriculture (FSA) of the University of the West Indies (UWI) is a vibrant institution with strong international ties and an important role in contributing to current research in cocoa as well as maintaining its mandate to conserve, characterise, evaluate, utilise and distribute material from its internationally recognised germplasm collection designated the International Cocoa Germplasm, Trinidad (ICG,T). Research activities include germplasm conservation, morphological and molecular characterisation of cacao accessions, screening of germplasm for resistance to diseases, germplasm enhancement (pre-breeding for desirable traits), and quality and flavour assessment. In addition to research, CRU offers training to visitors and facilities for scientists from other organisations.

Visit them at http://sta.uwi.edu/cru/icgt/

Photo 1 to 4 of 4 photos

Cocoa Varieties
Cocoa Pod
Cocoa Product- Chocolate
Cocoa on tree